Intercert Egypt provide environmental management systems ISO 14001 certification. ISO 14001 is an international standard by ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) for the organizations wishing to to enhance its environmental performance and implement an environmental management system in order to demonstrate its environmental responsibilities towards the sustainability foundation.

Activities of any type of organization use natural resources or renewable energy and yield undesirable waste products, which impact on the environment. This impact should be identified, minimized and controlled from conception, throughout the processes/activities lifecycle, including disposal. Implementation and Certification of environmental management as per the requirements of ISO 14001 standard, as part of the general management system provides a systematic approach to treat environmental aspects of organization. Environmental management system allows the organization to monitor the impact of activities, products, services on the environment.

As per ISO, The ISO 14001:2015 is applicable to any organization, regardless of size, type and nature, and applies to the environmental aspects of its activities, products and services that the organization determines it can either control or influence considering a life cycle perspective. ISO 14001:2015 does not state specific environmental performance criteria.

The benefits of ISO 14001 Certification are

  • Endorse Organization commitment on environmental protection and pollution by reducing the effect of the activities carried out;
  • Increased customer confidence, the community, employees and the Environmental Authorities
  • International Recognition of Certification improve organisation image and reputation
  • Advantage over business competitors
  • Achieve and demonstrate environmental performance and reduce costs through more effective use of resources and reduce the risk of environmental accidents, thus reducing the cost of insurance;
  • prevent possible incidents that may lead to sanction / fine the Organization due to lack of environmental protection measures;
  • building trust with authorities regarding compliance with applicable legislation;
  • alignment with market requirements – domestic and international demonstration of the existence of certified environmental management system.

Basis and Principles of Environmental Management Systems – ISO 14001

The set of international standards (ISO 14000) Issued by International Standardization organization (ISO), 1996 is a result of series of developments and international appeals started in the United Nations conference on the human environment, it was held in 1972, Stockholm and it resulted in the International environment Committee along with the issuance of its famous report ” Our Common Future ” in 1987 Which included an appeal for the industry to develop an effective environmental management system, it was followed by holding the United Nations conference on environment and development ” Summit of Earth”, in Rio de Janeiro In 1992. That was followed by the decision taken by “ISO”, 1993 regarding the establishment of Technical Committee No: TC207 In order to develop a set of specifications for “EMS” No: ISO 14000, this is to address the following environmental issues:-

  • Environmental Management systems (EMS)
  • Environmental audits
  • Environmental posters
  • Means of environmental performance Assessment
  • Life cycle Analysis
  • environmental terms and definitions

environmental trends relationship of product specifications

ISO 14001 fram

“Environmental Management system ISO 14001”

The most important of which is the International Standard “ISO 14001” titled Requirements of the “EMS” That gives the minimum requirements of the environmental management system in enterprises in order to control the environmental impact of its products, services and operations

Stages of application and evaluation of Environmental Management systems “EMS”

In general, if any organization is willing to apply an environmental management system, it should follow the following steps: –

  1. to conduct a study on the state environmental laws, apply on the Foundation and its products, services and activities and to identify the environmental standards necessary to be adhered to.
  2. To make an integrated analysis on environmental influences arising out of Products, operations and services in the facility, what is cold the analysis of Aspects and environmental influences?
  3. To make field measurements of the gap between existing environmental influences and the standards necessary to be adhered to, in order to set environmental objectives and environmental policy of the facility which is called the initial environmental survey.
  4. To make a study of the gap between existing status of environmental management of the organization and the requirements of the environmental management system. Generally, this study is conducted via specialists working jointly with the organization Personnel using various tools including “audit”,” Personal interviews” and “Questionnaires”. By the end, a specific image is formed about how far or near the organization of desired environmental management system. Fundamental output of this study is to determine the exact gap between the existing system in the organization and the system of environmental management targeted.
  5. The senior management of the organization in association with specialists in developing an operational plan of the steps and works need to be done to cover the gap that was identified in step 3&4.
  6. Adapting and executing a training and awareness program in organization, for all workers in the facility, about the targeted requirements of environmental management system so as to prepare the facility for the required change.
  7. Through the officials and experts, the plan is executed in step 2, the senior management shall provide materials necessary for the execution.
  8. Post implementing the new system, that is supposed to confirm the environmental management system for a reasonable period which assures the stability of the new system, the senior management shall ****** specialists with a reasonable experience, whether within or outside the organization, to make a comprehensive audit of the implementation of the new system of the organization. Usually, this audit is done Systematically and according to a preset plan.
  9. The results of the audit are usually “non-identical” to the requirements of the environmental management system, this all are assisted by senior management of the organization appropriate remedial action to eliminate that “non-identical”. The organization shall implement Operations contained in items 8 & 9 on a regular basis to maintain a satisfactory level of performance of the organization and in accordance with the requirements of the environmental management system.

Stages to obtain ISO 14001 certificates

The international standards ISO 14001 Represents general requirements for environmental management system Suitable for application to any organization of any kind or size or affiliation these specifications represent a system of environmental management, the most applicable in the world, these are international specifications issued by the ISO organization, 1996. When applied, the organization can get a certificate confirming the organization’s commitment to the standards of this specification.

Steps of rehabilitation, according to ISO 14001

Steps in the previous item represent basic steps for rehabilitation with the exception of some details; the following is a summary of these steps:

  1. To assign a representative of the department with the authority to establish and follow-up the system and to communicate with third-parties in connection to the system, following, is the study of the gap, complying with ISO 14001 and the issue of a report gap and developing an operational plan for the treatment of that gap.
  2. conduct an initial environmental survey.
  3. Develop and implement a training and awareness program for employees about environmental management system complying with ISO 14001.
  4. Execute the operational plan, place the instruments and process all systems for the organization complying with ISO 14001 specifications.
  5. Conduct an internal audit, discover the “non-identical” and treat by corrective actions studied.
  6. The senior management shall make planned periodic rebounds and reviews for the organization and how it implements the system and resolve problems of implementation for the senior management to be assured that the organization matches the management system and requirements contained in the ISO 14001 standard.
  7. The organization select and contract with a recognized point of issuing certificates that, in coordination with the management representative of the organization, arranges the timing of the audit.
  8. The issuer of the certificate audit on the organization and in the case of the audit was positive, organization is awarded ISO 14001 certificate subject to periodic audits by the donor league to ensure the continuity of the organization matching with requirements of international standard.

Benefits of getting ISO 14001 certificates

  1. Client satisfaction
  2. Improve relationship with the community
  3. Satisfy investor
  4. Improve image of facility and rate of participation in the market
  5. Meet the requirements of the system
  6. Improve cost control
  7. Reduce Accidents
  8. Show interest
  9. Provide input of raw materials and energy
  10. Facilitate obtaining permits
  11. Improve the relationship with the government
ISO 14001 certificates

Mechanism of qualifying facilities to obtain ISO 14001 certification:

Mechanism of qualifying facilities to obtain ISO 14001 certification

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